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We release a canary version for each commit to main that passes all required checks. This release is performed automatically by the publish_canary_version step.

This release is goes to the canary tag on npm and it is versioned as an incremental canary patch release on top of the current latest version. I.e. if the current version is 5.6.1, then the first canary version will be 5.6.2-alpha.0, the second 5.6.2-alpha.1, and so on.

Installing Canary Versions

To try out the latest canary versions of typescript-eslint, install @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@canary and @typescript-eslint/parser@canary. Note that npm may need a --force to override version requirements.

npm i @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@canary @typescript-eslint/parser@canary --save-dev --force


We release a latest version every Monday at 1pm US Eastern time using the latest commit to main at that time. This release is performed automatically by a Github action located in a private repository. This release goes to the standard latest tag on npm.

See the versioning section below for how the version number is calculated.

If there have been no commits that impact public-facing packages then a patch-level release shall be released.

Latest releases shall only ever be "minor" or "patch" releases.

Major Releases

We currently do not have a set schedule around when major releases shall be performed; instead they are done as the need arises.

We keep a backlog of breaking issues as a milestone on GitHub that is named in the form ${major}.0.0. When we do do a major release, we release a release candidate version to the rc-v${major} tag on npm for each commit to the major branch.

Major Release Steps

Our releases go through three groups of steps:

  1. [Pre-Release Preparation]
  2. [Merging Breaking Changes]
  3. [Releasing the Version]

1. Pre-Release Preparation

  1. Create a milestone by the name of the release [example: Milestone 6.0.0].
  2. If an issue for changes to recommended rule configs doesn't yet exist, create one [example: Changes to the recommended sets for 5.0.0].
  3. Add any breaking changes intended for the release to that milestone.
  4. Create two new branches off main in the project repository (not a personal fork):
    • v${major}
    • v${major}-canary-auto-release
  5. Raise a PR from v${major}-canary-auto-release to main modifying the ci.yml workflow [example: chore: add auto-canary release for v6]:
    • Under pushes: at the beginning of the file, add an - v${major} list item.
    • Add a publish_canary_version_v${major} step the same as publish_canary_version except:
      • Add the condition: if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/v${major}'.
      • Its publish command should be npx lerna publish premajor --loglevel=verbose --canary --exact --force-publish --yes --dist-tag rc-v${major}.
    • Merge this into main once reviewed and rebase the v${major} branch.

2. Merging Breaking Changes

  1. Send a PR from v${major} to main [example: v6.0.0].
  2. Change all breaking change PRs to target the v${major} branch.
    • To signify these changes as breaking, the first line of the PR description must read as BREAKING CHANGE:, and second line should briefly summarize the changes.
    • It is important to note that when merged the commit message must also include BREAKING CHANGE: as the first line in order for lerna to recognize it as a breaking change in the release notes. If you miss this it just means more manual work when writing the release documentation.
  3. Wait until all required PRs have been merged
  4. Let the release wait for at least 1 week to allow time for early adopters to help test it and discuss the changes.
    • Promote it on the @tseslint twitter to get some additional attention.
  5. Once discussions have settled, rebase merge the PR on top of main.

Non-breaking changes can be merged to main or the major branch. They don't need any special treatment.

3. Releasing the Version

  1. Discuss with the maintainers to be ready for an out-of-band release. Doing this manually helps ensure someone is on-hand to action any issues that might arise from the major release.
  2. Prepare the release notes. Lerna will automatically generate the release notes on GitHub, however this will be disorganized and unhelpful for users. We need to reorganize the release notes so that breaking changes are placed at the top to make them most visible. If any migrations are required, we must list the steps to make it easy for users.
  1. Finally, tweet the release on the @tseslint twitter with a link to the GitHub release. Make sure you include additional information about the highlights of the release!


We will do releases "out-of-band" (outside the latest schedule) for rare emergencies. We assess need on a case-by-case basis though generally an emergency is defined as a critical regression specifically introduced in the latest release.

These releases are done manually by a maintainer with the required access privileges.

Back-Porting Releases

We do not back port releases to previously released major/minor versions. We only ever release forward.